Thursday, September 5, 2019

National Rehabilitation Awareness Week

September 4th, 2019

Mossman Associates and BioSound Technologies during National Rehabilitation Awareness Week would like to acknowledge the benefits that can arise from rehabilitation programs. During this week we would like to recognize the dedicated individuals who provide rehabilitation services to people in need as well as those people brave enough to ask for help.

Every person deserves to live his/her life to the fullest and rehabilitation can benefit a person physically, mentally, and spiritually, regardless of age.  The different techniques now being used in the recovery process are instrumental in turning the tide of this national disaster

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

BioSound Healing Therapies(R) Help Police Of Fayetteville NC

Milford, Massachusetts, 7/29/19-Mossman Associates Incorporated is pleased to announce that we are working along our Law Enforcement contacts to bring to these people the benefits associated with BioSound (R)  Healing Therapy.

It has been acknowledged nationally that the fine people making up our First Responders are under a great deal of stress and anxiety, often leading to depression, body aches, muscle tension, headaches, and sleep deprivation. All of this leading to elevated rates of depression, substance abuse and suicide.  We are committed to providing solutions to help these people manage and cope with these on-the-job stresses.

We recently place 2 units with the Fayetteville Police in North Carolina. One at the police station and one at their training center.  Funds were obtained at least in part from a grant from the Department Of Justice, who recognize the importance of such therapies.

BioSound is committed to developing solutions to help “First Responders” better manage and cope with on-the-job stress.  Solutions are specifically designed to help reduce effects of PTSD, stress, and muscle tension.

For More Information Contact:

Donald Mossman

BioSound NE Representative

9 Village Circle

Milford, MA 01757

508-331-1592 (Mobile)

508-488-6169 (Office)


NicCheck Is Used Again In The Quit To Win Challenge In Quebec

Milford, Massachusetts 7/29/19- Mossman Associates Incorporated is pleased to announce that once again NicCheck has been chosen to be the confirmation test to determine the winner of the ‘’Quit To Win Challenge’’ in Quebec.

Sophie Maisonneuve of Chargée de projets, Campagnes Sociétales at Capsana writes, “ As we do every year, we would like to acknowledge your ongoing help and support for the testing of our Quit to Win Challenge winners over many years using the NicCheck Nicotine test Strips.

This provincial smoking cessation campaign is now more than 20 years old and along with other government initiatives has helped to reduce smoking statistics from about 30% in the year 2000 to 18.3% in 2017.

In 2019, over 14,000 Quebecers registered for the Challenge of which almost 6,000 in the 35-49 years old age group (an increase of 24% over 2018).

Of those who registered for the 2019 edition of the campaign, 66% were female and 34% male.

Our statistics indicate that 60% of those registered succeed the 6-week challenge.  As we have done in past years, Capsana uses the NicCheck test to confirm our main Challenge winners.  We are very appreciative of the help and support you have provided once again for our 2019 campaign.

As always we are proud to be a part of these types of contests”, quotes Donald Mossman, President/CEO of Mossman Associates. 

He continues, “These Quit and Win competitions held in countries like Romania, Canada, and Taiwan are instrumental in helping people break the smoking habit.  We will continue to work with these countries, and organizations as we have over these many years”.

NicCheck is a dry chemistry dipstick for the semi-quantitative measurement of nicotine and nicotine metabolites in urine as an aid in the verification of a person’s true smoking status. This 15 minute test yields a semi-quantitative measurement of a person’s nicotine consumption based on the color intensity of the reaction found on the NicCheck test strips.

For More Information Contact:

Donald Mossman, President/CEO

Mossman Associates, Inc.

9 Village Circle

Milford, MA 01757

508-331-1592 (Mobile)

508-488-6169 (Office)
